We’ve migrated to our new architecture hosted on Google Cloud

We've released new features!

Thank you for being with us so far! We've listened to your feedback and questions and today we've released some new updates which we hope to help you use Flowpoint a bit easier.

Our mission is to provide you the exact "magical" tool that you would want to have, so getting your feedback and acting on it is our fundamental strategy.

More websites on one account

You can integrate Flowpoint with multiple websites from one account.

You can add as many as you like straight from the left side on the navigation bar.

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On Flowpoint there are always a lot of things happening! And we don't want you to miss anything.

You can now even see what insights our AI suggests straight in the notification bar.

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Like or dislike insights

Our machine learning algorithms now learn from what insights you think are useful or not.

We use this to give you even more precise actionable insights to help you improve conversions.

You can do this once you expand each insight in the flows page.

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We are now on Google Cloud!

We've migrated our infrastructure to Google Cloud so we can be even more capable to scale and even more secure!

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Company Number 14068900

83-86 Prince Albert Road, London, UK

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